Meet the Author

So you want to know who’s behind the page?

My name is Emily Armstrong. I am the author of Blood Runs True. I’m also an ex-scientist, an accountant in training, a jigsaw fanatic, a horse-rider, and a cat-mother. Read on to find out a few more things about me and my writing.

Q: Do you have any formal writing background?
A: Absolutely none! I did a chemistry degree, and am training as an accountant.

Q: What, to you, are the most important elements of good writing?
A: I’ve always thought there were three main elements to writing – especially when it comes to fantasy. The plot, the people, and the place. I think that’s why I’ve always enjoyed fantasy and sci-fi over contemporary fiction – any world-building element is removed from the latter, so it’s one less thing to “discover” as a reader.
My favourite book in terms of plot has to be The Name of the Wind, by Patrick Rothfuss, which has the added benefit of being wrapped in beautiful prose as well.
For great characters, I recommend Theft of Swords, by Michael J. Sullivan. The main duo of Royce and Hadrian absolutely captivated me, and I’ve read all the Riyria Revelations and the Riyria Chronicles, simply because I wanted to experience more of their adventures.
Great world-building can be harder to pin down, but I very much enjoy the setting of Brandon Sanderson’s Mistborn trilogy, both for the metallurgical element to it, which appealed to me greatly as a chemist, and also because the final revelation of how the world came about is so interesting.

Q: How do you select the names of your characters?
A: This might be a cliche, but they pick their own. When a new character comes along, they usually arrive with a fair strong sense of their purpose or personality (though rarely both at the start!), but either way, one thing they are generally sure of is their own name. Unfortunately, they rarely see fit to share it with me without a fight! It can take me weeks sometimes to find the right one. Luckily, I have a friend who is very good at being a sounding board and helping me generate ideas.

Q: Do you have a writing routine?
A: Unfortunately not – maybe I would get more done if I did! I do have a weird quirk in that I only generally write when I have my feet up – whether that’s straight out on the sofa, or cross-legged. But I struggle if my feet are on the floor. Don’t ask me why, I don’t understand it myself!

Q: What’s your favourite scene in Blood Runs True?
A: It’s hard to pick one! I really like Chapter 3, both for Titan’s proper introduction, and the first conversation between Mara and Set. But I’m also very fond of Chapters 10, 11, 21 and 22 as well!

If you have any more questions for me, please email